Archive for November 2009

President Elections: “Mircea Geoana Presedinte in Suedia !” :))

Dear God,

So far this year you have taken away:
- my favorite dancer Michael Jackson
- my favorite actor Patrick Swayze
- … and my favorite singer Stephen Gately
- … and my favorite actress Farah Fawcett
- … and my favourite Romanian actors Gheorghe Dinica and Nicu Constantin.

Just so you know:
my favorite politician is
Mircea Geoana.


See a picture with the man:

The Exciting campaign movie of Mircea Geoana President of Sweden … HERE :
… wait to load , it is worthing !!  :)))))))))

Great Tennis Time in November!


Thank You, God!
Excellent time for tennis in the middle of November… and great mood for it! I ‘ve just loved it!

Are We Human? Or Are We Dancer?

The Killers – Human!

Best Hit that put me in the hollow these days!
For the moment, I cannot recover of  it! :)

Am I Human? Or Am I Dancer?

The Lyrics of the song HERE: Continue reading ‘Are We Human? Or Are We Dancer?’ »

Agigea Shots

I like handwatches

Yes, I should say something about it, since I’ve collected so far more than 20 pieces of watches. And still counting :) .

New Arrival:
Tommy Hilfiger Mason Black Croc

This is my new acquisition in terms of hand watches. It is from the new collection of Tommy Hilfiger.

Hand band is of Crocodile … Hm!

But it has 3 subdials: date, day of week… and day/night !! :)
See the 3rd subdial which shows the sun. Well, in the night it shows the moon… Nice, interesting idea.

More than that, I just find the logo of Tommy Hilfiger very elegant generally speaking, now I ‘ve been lucky to see a man hand watch that crashed my heart from the first sight!

Design is actually in trend, rectangular face rulz! :)

Let’s forget about the crisis :)

“Turabo, Sis!” or “Fratelli, Baby!”… Some good people that I know and trust their tastes were saying these.

Well, I had to check it, so I ‘ve decided to somehow jump into the night life of the city.
Too much time since I ‘ve been missing dancing in clubs, althought I was good dancer I think :) )

But, believe it or not, curiosity led me to try it more than dancing!
People are now facing such a historical crisis, do they still party?


So, I have took a sample of Turabo last night. Not that I liked it so much, but there are plany to update on the subject.
So I’ve decided to go also this night :) )

Especially because THIS IS THE NIGHT !

Facebook, YouTube, Twitter not available in China! Good or Bad ? :)

Well, you cannot access Facebook in China! Or not yet.
Same for You Tube or Twitter. (and many more, like some online publishing newspapers…)

I assume blocking these websites has to do with the strategy of China government to control the social networks where some discussions can come to affecting its interest in controlling the information inside the country.

And YouTube is full of Tibet issues , right? :)

And Facebook is just one click from subscribing to a movement… China sure doesn’t want that, too many subjects on the freedom.

Twitter is more dangerous, everybody can input live comments in real-time… China needs time to check it before posting anything online, right?



But, my question is:


I am not against Chinese, only that I don’t like the way most of them are behaving…
So I think I will enjoy the time being till China will go free on Facebook too.

Then for sure I will have contact request from China, my wall will look different, comments too…

Fastening my seatbelt!

On the way to China again, just spending 5 hours in Schiphol Airport of Amsterdam thinking of good and bad things in my life… Or just anxious to board on the KLM flight.
Should you need an interesting vacation, plan one to China or you definitely loose something. At least I enjoy their food a lot, so will you.

Mind the New Influenza !

Learn about the AH1N1 here! A very good news from Stirile Pro TV on the subject, short and precise!


 I am going to fly a lot in the next 9 days, so I did my homework ! :)

 Si niste informatii stranse de mine si comunicate in firma aici despre Gripa Porcina/Noua Gripa/AH1N1:

Care sunt Principalele Simptome ale Gripei Porcine:
Simptomele infectiei cu gripa porcina la oameni sunt similare cu simptomele gripei sezoniere.
- Febra usoara ( 37,5-38,5 ºC … pana in 39 ºC oricum; peste 39 inseamna ca e o gripa sezoniera obisnuita)
- Secretii nazale apoase
- Oboseala
- Inapetenta
- Tuse, durere in gat.
- Unele persoane infectate cu gripa porcina au prezentat stari de voma si diaree, dar nu e neaparat sa apara si astea
Ce faceti daca prezentati simptome infectiei cu gripa AH1N1:
- IZOLATI-VA ! Cel mai important lucru
- tusiti sau stranutati NUMAI in batiste!
- sunati medicul de familie sau un doctor, nu va duceti la cabinet!
Ce faceti ca sa preveniti infectarea cu gripa AH1N1:
- MAI MULTA IGIENA PERSONALA!! (spalati-va pe maini cat mai des!)
- evitati contactul cu persoanele care par a fi racite! (evitati sa dati mana cu ele si de fapt incercati sa stati la cel putin 2 m de acestea; si in niciun caz nu stati langa acestea daca stranuta, rugati-le sa fie mai atente cu modul in care stranuta sau tusesc sau chiar sa se retraga intr-o zona a spatiului pe care il impartiti)
- nu incepeti sa va umpleti cu pastile de care credeti ca va ajuta sa fiti imuni la gripa porcina
- nu exista niciun antigripal inca pt acest virus, primele vaccinuri apar la sfarsitul lui Noiembrie, dar se dau doar la cadrele medicale si politisti, deci probabil pana la sfarsit de decembrie nu aveti ce face sa obtineti un antigripal pt AH1N1, pt ca in farmacii nu se vor vinde, ci doar prin spitale se vor distribui gratuit
- evitati locurile cu aglomeratie (cluburi, restaurante, mall-uri etc)
- evitati calatoriile in zonele cu probleme
- si la nevoie, luati-va MASTI DE PROTECTIE, la farmacii e 0,64 RON o bucata (atentie, va protejeaza pana la 0,50 m de persoana infectata, dupa care nu mai are sens sa o purtati)


“Everybody is crying in this city !”

Articol preluat din Ziarul Financiar, autor Sorin Paslaru:

New York City. The City. Nimic din Europa nu este comparabil cu marele oras, unde nu se vede soarele de zgarie-norii din Manhattan. Nici zgomotul infundat, de linie de productie care patrunde prin ferestrele definitiv inchise de la etajul 20 al hotelului, nici multimile care ies de la metrou umpland trotuarele ora de ora ca de la un meci de fotbal, nici masinile gigant, ca niste mini-autobuze, cu care merg americanii la servici.

Everybody is crying, dar nimeni nu se plange. Iar daca o face, o face in soapta.
“It’s so bad”, sopteste o profesoara de 60 de ani din Tennesse, venita la New York pentru o conferinta despre leadership. “Aici nu se vede criza, aici sunt multi turisti. Dar mergeti inauntrul Americii sa vedeti situatia reala. America trece printr-o implozie (US is experiencing an implosion – engl.). Intelegeti despre ce vorbesc? Explodeaza in ea insasi. Tinerii nu au de lucru. Oamenii isi parasesc casele.”

Inainte de ’89, romanii vorbeau in soapta cu strainii (sau nu vorbeau deloc) despre viata de zi, de frica Securitatii. Profesoara din Tennessee vorbeste in soapta de frica sa nu-si piarda jobul. Cine are un job in zilele acestea in America tine cu dintii de el. Nu-si da numele, cum nici vanzatoarea de la Bolton’s nu a vrut sa si-l dea. “Sper ca nu o sa-mi faci greutati.” Profesoara vorbeste despre saraci si bogati, vorbeste despre bancherii “lacomi” ajutati de stat. Dar nu au fost dintotdeauna saraci si bogati? “Ba da, dar clasa medie putea sa traiasca. Acum se Continue reading ‘“Everybody is crying in this city !”’ »