Archive for the ‘Socials’ Category.

What are 4 pizza’s doing in a stove?? (exclusive and unique photo)

This is a very nice picture I took in Filettino, a small mountain village in Italy!
I went to have pizza in a very traditional restaurant, but I got courious of studying the old stove and way they produced the pizza, same process like years ago. The restaurant is a famous old one, before it was a church (some 1500 years ago).

Well, if you see this picture (and maybe you like it) , it is only because I burned my fingers and melt my Cannon EOS 400 D for a long exposure (no blitz) INSIDE the stove!
I used also Wide Lens to get more from the picture.

The stove had a small entrance just to handle the pizza and the fire, I had to put the camera inside through that entrance.

But the result I think is excellent, don’t you agree on that?
Now I think you are hungry for one!

(C) 2009 . Copyrights of the picture to me, of course!


Este incredibil cum Gigi Becali e Politician si … Europarlamentar!!
Ieri tocmai si-a anuntat candidatura la Presedintia Romaniei pentru alegerile din Noiembrie.
Nu ca ar avea sanse , dar ii place sa se dea important! Si de fapt cica pregateste sa fie Presedinte in 2014.
Sloganul lui de campanie este: “Credinta, nadejde si dragoste!”

Cica vrea sa desfiinteze casinourile, sex shopurile , printre altele… E un Casino chiar gard in gard cu Biserica din Pipera, unde merge el, patronul de acolo e prieten bun de-al lui!

Vreti sa vedeti cum vorbeste omul de biserica, Gigi Becali, cu un reporter? (sa nu aveti copii pe langa voi si sa nu dati tare, sunt cuvinte foarte murdare)

Gi-gi, Pre-se-din-te!


POLITICIAN DE ROMANIA = un mare rahat cu ochi sticlosi care nu gandeste decat SPAGI, AFACERI, INTERESE

SENATOR = un fitzos de mare clasa care mai mult absenteaza pentru ca deja e cineva

DEPUTAT = glasul si mana unor smecheri cu afaceri mari care vor sa aiba si legea de partea lor

MINISTRU = omul 2 din mafie

PRESEDINTE = invatacelul devenit mafiot si caruia asa de mult ii place ca uita intentia de a PAREA macar decent cu poporul sau

Tara noastra e in faliment! Guvernul PSD-PD nu a facut NIMIC pentru criza aceasta pana acum, nu a existat nici cea mai mica strategie inteligenta sa combata efectele crizei!
BOC???!?!?!?! Ma taie o greata puternica imediat ce il vad! Boc , Prim Ministru??!?
Geoana?? E depasit de rol cu mult, nu e de el, e amator!

Iar acum se cearta pentru Putere si nu fac decat sa fie atat de scarbosi si de hidosi, se mai si separa si sparg Guvernul… BAGA TARA IN FALIMENT PE 2 ANI DE ACUM INAINE??!

Ne mergea tara rau, dar o mai carpisem noi cat de cat. Acum s-a rupt sacul si s-a pierdut toata economia de o viata de oameni!

Today News… with Daria-Ioana!

Daria-Ioana (9 years and 8 months old) presenting TV news ! :) , occasioned by the Cellebration of 550 years History of Bucharest City, event that took place during September 12-20, 2009. She is 3rd grade @ European School of Bucharest (SEB).

don’t laugh :)

Actrita, regizor, scriitor, profesoara, om de suflet… CEA MAI BUNA PRIETENA










Aceasta este Vivi (pentru mine; pentru altii este Vasilica Oncioaia sau “Vasea”), o prietena foarte buna a mea pe care am regasit-o dupa multi multi ani… Si asa este ea, plina de viata si vesela no matter what.
Am cunoscut-o cand avea 18 ani si tocmai intrase la Teatru in Iasi (iar eu treceam in clasa a XI-a la Liceul Aeronautic “Henri Coanda” din Bacau). Acela a fost momentul in care a inceput sa nu mai traiasca altceva decat vocatia sa pentru cultura si iubirea pentru oameni.

Dupa multi ani, in care nu am stiut nimic de ea (ca asa e viata), am redescoperit-o adanc sedimentata in viata culturala ieseana si cu foarte multe rezultate pe plan profesional. In plus, are admiratia unei comunitati intregi pentru ajutorul deosebit pe care il acorda copiilor si studentilor in a pasi in teatru. (aici sper sa va prezint niste piese de TEATRU SOCIAL cat de curand, este incredibil!)

Acest om traieste pentru cultura, dincolo de fiinta sa.
Dar eu sunt mai norocos pentru ca e cea mai buna prietena a mea, asa cum a fost si inainte!

How to drink Kung Fu Tea ! (Exclusive Video)

Chaozhou is the place that came up with the Kung Fu Tea (2000 years ago , during Song Dynasty I think) and also the ritual of how to drink it! It is a kind of ESPRESSO , with a very strong taste, it is recommended especially to smokers.

See here Mr. Li providing an exclusive demonstration on the Kung Fu Tea Ritual, only for us!
(C) Copyrights to Me, Sep-9-2009 :)

Usually, you should play also Chinese music too… :)

Xie Xie!

Old City Center of Chaozhou… and some history

CHAOZHOU – 214 B.C. during Qin Dynasty.

Dialect of its own! Chaozhou Dialect, by which the Chaozhou culture conveys, is considered as one of the oldest Chinese dialects . It is spoken by about 10 million people in local Chaozhou and approximately 2-5 million overseas.

People: Today it has around 2,5 million people. Not a big city for China, only maybe for Europeans! :)
Chaozhou has a history of many reach people. After 1950, many of them ran to Hong Kong due to comunism and set a very strong community there. They were good at running small businesses. In the 1960s, almost every “rice store” (grocery stores for dried food and uncooked rice) in Hong Kong were owned by “Chiu Chow Loun” (“person from Chaozhou” in local dialect).
And they are very religious. Incense burning is a symbol of consecration to the Gods and seeking their blessing. Every 1st and 15th of the lunar month, temples are filled with people coming to burn incense to their deity.
Old people don’t like foreigners, so it is better to avoid them since they will start to argue with you, maybe a little agressive.

Kung Fu Tea (say “kung fu chia” ) , the “espresso” of Chinese teas with a formidable kick, which was first sipped back in the Song Dynasty, is still flourishing and remains an important part of social etiquette in Chaozhou.  Though it tastes bitter when it first reaches your mouth, it is the lingering aftertaste that makes Kung Fu Tea probably the most charming tea culture in China. Drinking Kung Fu tea is in fact a process of aesthetics rather than a solution to thirst. It is recommended especially to smokers!
I put here something about the way they drink Kung Fu Tea!

The Ming city wall! Well, it is a 2.6 km long wall that protected the Old City. Special post HERE!

Jiadixiang – The ANCIENT FAMILY HOUSES , the old city center of Chaozhou too. This you have to see! Because here you will find old China.

Guangji Bridge of Chaozhou, China

As the saying goes: "A trip to Guangdong is not complete if you did not visit Chaozhou, and a trip to Chaozhou is not complete if you missed Guangji Bridge", Guangji Bridge is a must-visit site for visitors to Chaozhou.

It is the first floating bridge in the world!

Guangji stone bridge was constructed in 1171 during the Song Dynasty and it had a nick name of "Xiangzi Bridge". With a history of more than 800 years, it was initially formed as a pontoon bridge 86 huge ships. After several times of construction and renovation, it became a uniquely structured bridge in 1513 during the Ming Dynasty, with 24 piers and 18 shuttle ships. The Bridge serves as a passage for pedestrians usually, and at scheduled occasion the connected shuttle-ships are open for other ships to pass. Guangji Bridge is an exceptional case in the Chinese bridge history as it combines the structure of a pontoon bridge, column bridge and arch bridge.

Here it is an album with this excelent piece of the Chinese history .
Pictures made on 9 Sep 2009.

Great escape!

This time was completely better! I had a great time in China during Sep 6-14, I have visited Chaozhou and… I liked it!

Here it is a fast-forward album of my last travel in China.

Hope you will like them like I do. And maybe you plan to visit China as well, soon. :)

But I need to post another 3 albums separatelly because they are special:


 Ming City Wall of Chaozhou



Old City Center of Chaozhou



Guangji Bridge .



Coming soon!

I’ve just met again My Guru!

There is a person I have to thank for some of the good things I experienced in life. For example to have the chance of doing great projects together, while woking with Henkel.
This is Theresia Streiter and I ‘ve just met her yesterday after so many years.